Anyone take a stab at interpreting this dream?

I dreamed I was driving a late model luxury car.  An early 70’s, or late 60’s red Caddie perhaps, with white leather seats.  It was huge, luxurious, a very comfortable ride.

For some reason, I wanted to drive it really fast, so I gunned it, but the wheels kept spinning out on wet leaves on the road.  I was kind of frustrated, because I wanted to go fast and wasn’t getting anywhere and could tell the car didn’t like it.  The engine started smelling funny, like burning oil.

Suddenly, I felt this unbelievably peaceful feeling wash over me and through my heart and then it just flooded throughout my body.

And then Mike was next to me, looking slightly amused and slightly sorry for me all at the same time.  He suggested that the car might need some oil.  I just about broke down and cried with gratitude that someone cared for me so much and loved me so much in this situation.

Then all of the sudden we were in our garage and Mike was showing me three tiny cars he had acquired on some film job he had been on.  I thought, gee how convenient these will be with gas prices so high these days!

The two one-seater cars and a third two-seater were all chained on a trailer and Mike was unhooking one of them and hauling them off so I could use them.  When I tried to get one down by myself, it was too heavy and cumbersome and I started panicking because I knew Mike was going away.

Then I was sobbing and crying hysterically to him “I can’t do this by myself!  Please come back!” again and again and again.  Over and over.

But I knew he was leaving and really had already left me.  Yet I was also allowed one more look at him and that was it.  So I slowly scanned his body from the tips of his feet to the top of his head. When I got to his face, his eyes were staring intently ahead in this creepy way he used to do to freak me out.  Then I blinked, and I could only see his face through a clear body bag, same intense look in his eyes (I think the body bag image came from an anti-meth billboard I had seen earlier that day.  I remember thinking what a creepy image that was for a billboard).

And that was it.

Besides the fairly obvious storyline that parallels my experience, are there any dream interpreters who can get into some of the symbolism here?

I have my own ideas.  I’ll write them next time.  I’ve done enough writing for today.

One of the most vivid, powerful dreams I’ve ever had.


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